Our San Jose personal injury attorneys at Caputo and Van Der Walde – Injury & Accident Attorneys successfully negotiated a confidential settlement on behalf of a carpenter who was injured in a construction accident involving a telescoping boom lift and a forklift.
We were very proud to represent the injured carpenter in this case, at the heart of which was driver distraction. While our client was finishing up his work for the day, the operator of a Gradall forklift was distracted by a phone call. The operator’s attention was taken off driving just long enough to strike the base unit of the boom lift.
Upon collision, the basket of the boom lift shook and swayed violently with our client inside. He reflexively grabbed one of the railings of the basket to avoid being thrown to the ground. (At the time, the basket was extended 40 feet out and 20 feet above ground.) Witnesses testified that they saw our client being thrown around inside the basket like a “rag doll.” He was not able to hold on due to the force of the impact, and he ultimately fell to the ground.
Our client sustained severe injuries to his right shoulder, neck, left knee, and back. He has already undergone two shoulder surgeries and required extensive medical care; now, he is waiting to be approved for cervical disk replacement surgery. Because of the accident and his resulting injuries, medical experts agree that our client cannot continue in his career as a union journeyman carpenter.
At Caputo and Van Der Walde – Injury & Accident Attorneys, we were deeply saddened to hear of our client’s case, and we did not hesitate to fight for his rights. By applying our award-winning advocacy skills, we were able to recover compensation for his damages in the form of a confidential settlement. This financial support will greatly help our client afford the medical care he needs going forward, as well as recompense him for other losses and past medical expenses.
If you are seeking legal representation after being injured in a construction site accident, contact our San Jose trial lawyers online or at (800) 900-0863. Your initial consultation will be provided free of charge!