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How Do I Know My Lawyer Is the Right Choice?

Personal injury law can be complex, and you need to ensure you have the right legal representation to pursue compensation for your injuries. However, there are countless choices out there and making a choice can seem like a challenge.

Before you move forward, though, you must take the proper precaution to hire the right personal injury attorney for your needs. This also means asking questions to have your concerns addressed properly. Here are some of the things you should ask to choose the right lawyer.

What Type of Experience Do You Have?

Experience is often the key to a successful personal injury case. Knowing that your lawyer has handled similar cases before and knows what evidence is needed can give you peace of mind throughout the process. If a lawyer knows how certain courts handle cases, it is also a big benefit to you.

What Is Your Approach to Representation?

You want to have an idea of who you will be working with and how they’re protecting your best interests. This also aids in understanding communication. As someone who has suffered a serious injury, you want to know you can have your questions and concerns addressed at any time in the process.

What Is Your Reputation?

Having a lawyer or law firm with a reputation in the community can be of big help to your case. Find a lawyer who has a history of success and knows what evidence, facts, and proof of liability must be shown—and the firm should know how to use it to win.

How Much Do You Charge?

Personal injury law is different because the plaintiff is already dealing with financial troubles having to pay for medical bills and being unable to earn an income. Ask how the firm charges. As with most personal injury law matters, having a firm work on contingency fees (you don’t pay unless the firm wins) can help you afford legal representation during a difficult time.

At Caputo & Van Der Walde, we want you to have peace of mind throughout the entire process. We focus on your best interests from start to finish so you can feel confident in being able to pursue the compensation and justice you need.

When you need our San Jose personal injury lawyers, trust that we’re in your corner every step of the way and we’ll work hard to help you achieve the most favorable results possible.