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Warmer weather has many people heading for the nearest pool for some relief from the heat. But pools can be dangerous. Injuries can easily occur in or around the water, and accidents can be deadly. Protect your loved ones this summer and learn about common pool-related accidents and how they can be avoided.

Common Swimming Pool Accidents

A number of accidents can occur around pools. The injuries they cause can range from simple scrapes and bruises, to spinal injuries, brain injuries and even death, so it is important to learn how you can decrease the risk of these accidents. Common injuries from pool-related accidents include:

  • Drowning
  • Diving board injuries
  • Fractures
  • Lacerations
  • Infections
  • Electrocution
  • Slip and fall injuries

Drowning is a tragically common swimming accident. The Centers for Disease Control reported approximately 3,500 drowning deaths per year between 2005 and 2014. Many of these deaths occur when people don’t know how to swim, especially when there is a lack of supervision. Young children are especially at risk of drowning. Other injuries can result from improper pool maintenance, falls, diving board accidents, or accidents with other swimmers.

Preventing Accidents

Swimming pools can be dangerous, but avoiding accidents is simple. You can easily take steps to protect your family and friends from swimming accidents by making your pool safer and learning how to respond to accidents. There are many ways you can keep swimming safe, such as:

  • Supervising the pool. If there are people in or around the pool, there should be at least one adult watching the swimmers.
  • Securing the pool area. Your pool should be fenced, with self-latching gates at all entrances. The fence surrounding the area should be sturdy and at least 4 feet high.
  • Limit horseplay. Kids and adults alike want to play in the water, but be sure to have safety rules in place. Falls can be avoided by reminding people to walk in the pool area. If the pool is shallow, post signs to warn swimmers against diving.
  • Keep swimming sober. Refrain from allowing alcohol in the pool area, and don’t allow intoxicated individuals to swim.
  • Learn CPR. In the event of an accident, knowing CPR could save a life. Sign up to take a course and learn how to properly administer CPR.
  • Learn the signs of drowning. Drowning can happen quickly, and often victims don’t shout or splash. Learn the signs here.
  • Get swimming lessons. Sign up your family for lessons and practice floating, treading water, and other safety techniques. Even infants and toddlers can benefit from age-appropriate swimming lessons.
  • Maintain your pool. Maintain the proper balance of chemicals in your pool, and clean debris out of the water. You should also inspect your pool for dangers such as broken tiles, sharp edges, or electrical wiring.

Swimming pool accidents can often be prevented, but if an accident does occur, you need skilled, dedicated legal representation. If the negligence of someone else caused your injury, contact Caputo and Van Der Walde – Injury & Accident Attorneys. Our experienced San Jose personal injury attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact our firm today to schedule a free case evaluation.